Anthony Moor

Exploring Media in Transformation | Transforming in Media Exploration

/ˌtrænsfərˈmeɪʃən/ n. 1: a process of change from one form to another.

So how will local news survive?

It's no secret I'm a fan of the way Buzzmachine's Jeff Jarvis thinks about news. He's ruthlessly honest about the facts all around us, incisive in his analysis of information trends and refreshingly original in how he frames solutions. I've read the recent criticisms about his style. Sure he's a bit of a gadfly and a self-promoter but don't let that obscure the message. What Jeff says and thinks about newsbears careful study, because he's often the first one to think it.

With that in mind, his recent roundup of thought on where local news is going is well worth reading. Headline: Local news will get smaller, networked, collaborative and distributed.